Poker is our first boystafford. Thanks to Rick from Rimorostaffs he came to live with us in co-own. He is loving his girlfriends in the house.
He loves to sit in the sun and rome around the garden all day long. If the girls run around....he does too. He loves attention and going out for trips in the car.
Poker is Spanish youth champion, Spanish champion, Dutch champion, Danish champion, international champion and Dutch stafford of the year 2019.
He is currently working on his Veteran champoinship.
If you want to know more about him or if you want a breeding from him please contact Rick van den Broek.
Name : Poker
Dob : 17-01-2015
Breeder : SantFost
Owner : Rick v/d Broek
Co-owner : Jessica Beurskens-Bruls
Sire : Kiamirose Solo Junior
Dame : Kanock Santfost Z-Jones